Our company participates in the PRS – Pallet Return System program. PRS 2023 EN
For more than 20 years the project has been part of a Circular Economy system and manages the supply of reusable pallets for the European petrochemical industry.
Through the Supply Chain of producers of materials and a large recovery network that acts on end users.
The organization allows efficient reuse which reduces waste and carbon emissions, takes care of reliability and safety, providing for any repairs.
If reuse is no longer possible, the pallet is sent for disposal as a form of biomass.

Also during the year 2023 Scaglia Srl earned the Certificate of Appreciation from the PRS program for having started reusing more than 65% of the pallets received.
Overall, no. 56 pallets were sent for reuse.
As regards shipments to customers in 2023, a total of 640 pallets were purchased.